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    A Midsummer Night’s Dream, book cover (fair copyright use) Shakespeare, William
    1596 play; Cambridge University Press - New Edition, 2005
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    One night two young couples run into an enchanted forest in an attempt to escape their problems. But these four humans do not realize that the forest is filled with fairies and hobgoblins who love making mischief. When Oberon, the Fairy King, and his loyal hobgoblin servant, Puck, intervene in human affairs, the fate of these young couples is magically and hilariously transformed. Like a classic fairy tale, this retelling of William Shakespeare's most beloved comedy is perfect for older readers who will find much to treasure and for younger readers who will love hearing the story read aloud.

    Free online scanned original edition at
    Recommended for grades 4e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    A Raisin in the Sun, book cover (fair copyright use) Hansberry, Lorraine
    1959 play; Random House, 1959
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    This groundbreaking play starred Sidney Poitier, Claudia McNeill, Ruby Dee and Diana Sands in the Broadway production which opened in 1959. Set on Chicago's South Side, the plot revolves around the divergent dreams and conflicts within three generations of the Younger family: son Walter Lee, his wife Ruth, his sister Beneatha, his son Travis and matriarch Lena, called Mama. When her deceased husband's insurance money comes through, Mama dreams of moving to a new home and a better neighborhood in Chicago. Walter Lee, a chauffeur, has other plans, however: buying a liquor store and being his own man. Beneatha dreams of medical school.
    Recommended for grades 3e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    An Inspector Calls, book cover (fair copyright use) Priestly, J.B.
    1946 play; Penguin, 2001
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    First performed in 1945 in the Soviet Union and 1946 in the UK ,and conveying a strong -if not manicheist- political message, the play is a three-act drama, which takes place on a single night in 1912, and focuses on the prosperous middle-class Birling family, who live in a comfortable home in Brumley, "an industrial city in the north Midlands". The family is visited by a man calling himself Inspector Goole, who questions the family about the suicide of a young working-class woman, Eva Smith (also known as Daisy Renton). The family are interrogated and revealed to have been responsible for the young woman's exploitation, abandonment and social ruin, effectively leading to her death. Long considered part of the repertory of classic "drawing room” theatre, the play has also been hailed as a scathing critique of the hypocrisies of Victorian/Edwardian English society and as an expression of Priestley’s Socialist political principles.
    Recommended for grades 4e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    Animal Farm, book cover (fair copyright use) Orwell, George
    Penguin Books, 1945
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    An allegory on the realities of communism, from a capitalist point of view, Animal Farm tells a story of a farm in which the animals decide to rule themselves, and all animals are equal. The inevitable catch, as the reader will come to find out, is that all societies tend to have a ruling class. When all the decent members of society try to adhere to the social rules of equality for everyone, the role of leadership and authority is left to the pigs.
    Recommended for grades 3e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales, book cover (fair copyright use) Stevenson, Robert Louis
    Longmans, Green & co., 1886
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    Stevenson’s famous gothic novella, first published in 1886, and filmed countless times is better known simply as Jekyll and Hyde. The first novel to toy with the idea of a split personality, it features the respectable Dr. Jekyll transforming himself into the evil Mr Hyde in a failed attempt to learn more about the duality of man.

    Free online scanned original edition at

    Recommended for grades 4e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    Fahrenheit 451, book cover (fair copyright use) Bradbury, Ray
    Ballantine Books, 1953
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    The novel presents a future American society where reading is outlawed and firemen start fires to burn books. 
    Recommended for grades 3e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    King Richard III, book cover (fair copyright use) Shakespeare, William
    1597 play; Cambridge University Press, 2005
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    "containing his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence, the pittiefull murther of his innocent nephewes, his tyrannicall usurpation, with the whole course of his detested life and most deserved death"
    (Subtitle of the 1597 edition.)

    Free online scanned T.Hughes London 1823 edition at

    Free online scanned Francis Hart & Co 1878 edition at

    Free online scanned Blackie & Sons, The Warwick Sharespeare, 1896 edition at
    Recommended for grades 3e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

    The Third Man and the Fallen Idol, book cover (fair copyright use) Greene, Graham
    Penguin Classics, 1935
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    Initially written as a screenplay Greene later transferred the film treatment to novel form as a novella, published together with The Fallen Idol.

    The Third Man is Graham Greene's brilliant recreation of post-war Vienna, a ‘smashed dreary city’ occupied by the four Allied powers. Rollo Martins, a second-rate novelist, arrives penniless to visit his friend and hero, Harry Lime. But Harry has died in suspicious circumstances, and the police are closing in on his associates…

    The Fallen Idol is the chilling story of a small boy caught up in the games that adults play. Left in the care of the butler and his wife whilst his parents go on a fortnight’s holiday, Philip realises too late the danger of lies and deceit. But the truth is even deadlier.
    Recommended for grades 4e and above | | Date: 2011-11-10

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