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  • Understanding the French education system

    The French Education system differs significantly from foreign school systems in both organization and culture. Historical reasons, French so-called "exception culturelle", be it for whatever reason, it still takes a while to grasp the intricacies of French Education in order to feel at ease dealing with it as parents. As a matter of fact, it can even be worisome for French-born parents ;-)

    Please keep in mind when investigating the issue that there are 3 status for schools in France:

    • public: run and funded by French State, applying "official" programs
    • private under state-contract: companies or non-profits run independantly, teachers paid by French State, applying "official" programs
    • private without contract: companies or non-profits run independantly, not funded, with academic freedom
    Diagram French Schooling System - Source wikipedia cc-by-sa-2.5 Thomas Steiner
    Under Creative Commons cc-by-sa2.5 licence
    by Thomas Steiner

    In order to get a balance view of the system and help you make your own opinion if you are new to it, we have gathered the links below for you to browse through and compare wiew points, either from official French sources, or from foreign organizations, or from private persons...


    Thanks for your support


    Resources in French

    The official portal by French Ministry of Education
    (Education Nationale)

    Link to Education Nationale portal


    Special portal for parents by French Ministry of Education: "Mon enfant à l'école"

    Education Nationale guide "mon enfant à l'école"


    Resources in English

    In depth factual review by French Foreign Affairs:
    "La France à la Loupe / The education System in France"
    Pdf report dated 2007 but still very much to date...
    French Embassy Education Nationale resources

   portal for foreigners in many languages and especially regarding education:
    Link to portal with Schooling information
    Wikipedia article on French School system:
    French School system, wikipedia article
    Relocation & living in France portal for foreigners, with education pages:
    Link to French entrée
    Thematic guide to France with an education section and comments

    Link to About.France homepage

    Guide to France with a critical review of French education... among others :-)
    Link to Understand France site
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    ENL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker with teaching background for nursery/primary school level
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