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  • Our School of English for bilingual children

    Thanks for your support

    English classes and activities for fluent English-speaking Children

    The English School 'Bi-School of Cergy', in Val d'Oise department, is a non-profit organization providing English classes for fluent English-speaking children, at nursery, elementary and middle school levels (3 to 16 year-old children).
    Maintaining active bilingualism can be a challenge in France: even though English may be spoken every day at home, raising children so that they effectively grow their language abilities, become able to read and increase their bicultural awareness is bound to be difficult in a monolingual environment like France is.
    Our objective is therefore to support our children so they can keep improving their native -or second- language and become truly biliterate and bicultural.
    Classes take place at the Cergy Village School ("Ecole du Village"), a very cosy and welcoming place located in the picturesque neighborhood of the old Village and Port Cergy, in Cergy-Pontoise city.
    Though most of our little and big students come primarily from all Cergy-Pontoise area, a number of them also come from surrounding villages of Western Val d'Oise like Vauréal, Pierrelaye, Marines, Pontoise, St-Ouen-l'Aumone, Eaubonne or even from nearest Yvelines villages like Vaux or Triel sur Seine.

    We are starting next schoolyear registration process now!
    Do you want your children to join ?

    Classes start in October and registration is open.
    If you live in greater Cergy-Pontoise, Western Val d'Oise, Eragny, Neuville-sur-Oise, Conflans Ste-Honorine, Achères, Triel-sur-Seine... or along the A15 / N184... then Bi-School is close by and may be for you.
    Don't hesitate to ask further information or directly apply through the Application form and we will get back to you ASAP. Alternatively, you can also give us a call at (+33) 6 2O 9O l6 45.
    We also have an open position for an additional Teacher, please refer to the ads section or call us.

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    Featured jobs !
    EFL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker for weekly sessions of reading, rhymes & songs
    ENL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker with teaching background for nursery/primary school level
    «  July 2024  »

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