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    The groups are primarily constituted of bilingual children speaking English either as their maternal language, or because they acquired it through former schooling in a full-time English school abroad or in France.

    The small classes objective is to create an immersive English language environment and experience where kids can communicate, work & play totally in English with the supervision & guidance of a native English teacher.

    Therefore, children are expected to originate from:
    • foreign English-speaking families expatriated in France,
    • binational families established in France with one English-speaking parent
    • French speaking families returning from expatriation when children were attending an English or International School

    In order for the group to fully operate in English, it requires a large majority of fluent English speaking children to be together. As we are targeting groups of 8-10 kids per class, there may sometimes be a possibility for a non-bilingual child to progressively join when English interactions have reach a satisfactory level.
    Therefore we may try to integrate a few non-speakers or non-fluent English speakers into the classes, based upon the following criteria:
    • First: possibility for the non-bilingual children to have a positive experience in the group
    • Composition of classes, especially age dispersion, fluency, group dynamics
    • Age of candidate, family background and link to English language, English fluency if any
    • Teacher recommendation regarding what is best for both class and candidates

    Candidacy should be submitted using the Information / Application online form.

    As recognized in our status and beyond our core mission of providing English classes, we will also try and organize  activities and/or events open to children that are not English-speakers or not fluent English-speakers.
    Our aim will be to promote English bilingualism culture in our local community and offer the opportunity to curious children to get early exposure to English language through story-telling, songs & other fun activities.
    Due to the small size of our structure, these initiatives will strongly rely upon parents & Community involvment. All suggestions for help or proposals in this regard will be welcome.
    We are currently investigating story-telling / reading & rhymes workshops in partnership with the Libraries of Cergy Pontoise and will keep you updated through the news sections.

    As we are only starting activities currently, our focus is set on succeeding to gather an English-speaking group at the present time. Should families be interested to constitute an alternative group for another language, we will be happy to discuss this possibility.

    Since we are targetting an English speaking audience and since our resources for website building are limited, we have started the site development in English mainly.
    Up to now, we have built a French welcome page with key information ; we may further expand the French part in a second stage if needed... and provided our CMS host enables multilingual functionalities.
    However, please note the Legal Notice page is written in French and is accesible using links labelled in French at the bottom of each page.
    Les Mentions Légales sont rédigées en français et sont accessibles en utilisant les liens libellés en français en pied de chaque page.

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    EFL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker for weekly sessions of reading, rhymes & songs
    ENL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker with teaching background for nursery/primary school level

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    Site / concept developed & operated by the e-nitiative Lab
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