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    Dear Families, the year comes to an end an it is time to register for next year !

    Therefore registration is now open, through our Doodle for the current member families, and using the Information / Application menu on the left for new candidates !

    Views: 1254 | Date: 2017-06-19

     Let's all celebrate the end of our second year !!!

    Our schedule of classes will be slightly changed in order to leave some time for more games and fun. Please refer to the online schedule to check the classes revised starting times as well as other changes

    Bees, Cats & Foxes will also demonstrate songs practiced during the year !

    Views: 1387 | Date: 2014-06-25

    Visual Sch-RegOur 1st day of class is Saturday 23rd February !
    Our first workshops will take place in the "Maison des Cultures et des Langues" in Vauréal. After a few weeks, we will relocate to the "Ecole du Village" in Cergy...

    Only  a few places left! 
    hurry up and book now here if you haven't already done so.
    We cannot wait to hear from YOU !!
    Views: 1938 | Date: 2013-02-23

    Début des inscriptions

    Start of registration for our first class !
    If you live in greater Cergy-Pontoise, Western Val d'Oise, Conflans Ste-Honorine, Achères, Maisons-Laffitte... or along the A15 / N184... then Bi-School is close by and may be for you.

    You are welcome to ask further information or directly apply through the on-line application form and we will get back to you ASAP. Alternatively, you can also give us a call at O6 2O 9O l6 45.

    Views: 1858 | Date: 2012-10-01

    Visual Megaphone

    In order to be known from English-speaking families and constitute a first group of bilingual or native English-speaking kids, the campaign will post information in schools, international companies, public places like libraries as well as on internet forums and portals for English-speaking families and ENL, ESL, bilingual portals !

    Views: 1988 | Date: 2012-09-15

    Ecole Cergy Village
    Afin d'organiser les petites classes dans les meilleures conditions pour les enfants, la ville de Cergy a décidé de mettre gracieusement à la disposition de l'association une salle au sein de l'école publique élémentaire de Cergy Village.
    Le mobilier et l'environnement seront donc bien adaptés à nos petits participants.
    Remercions nos élus et les services municipaux pour leur aide !
    Views: 1513 | Date: 2012-01-15

    Visual for paperworkAfin de doter l'Association de la personnalité morale, la demande d'enregistrement est réalisée auprès des administrations compétentes...
    Views: 1637 | Date: 2011-11-23

    Symbol for onlineAvailable domain names "", "", "" have been secured after brands, company names and domain names availability investigations.
    First version of website has been tested and is now available publicly through this domain names.
    Google references the site with keywords like "English School Cergy" etc...
    Views: 1507 | Date: 2011-10-14

    Go symbol
    the Assemblée Générale Constitutive "AGC" was held between founding members of the Association.
    The Association is therefore created.
    Initial "Statuts" are approved and "Bureau" is nominated.
    Views: 1880 | Date: 2011-10-01

    Free Resources ...
    Featured jobs !
    EFL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker for weekly sessions of reading, rhymes & songs
    ENL TEACHING - Looking for native English speaker with teaching background for nursery/primary school level
    «  July 2024  »

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