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    NB: Book lists usually contain books that are classified at the same time into different categories or grades (for instance CP and CE1); therefore it is to be expected that many books will appear several times in different categories' lists...
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    Main » Recommended Books Catalog » Libraries » Cergy Astrolabe
    Books in category: 1
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    The Walker Baby Bear, 25 stories for the very Young (vol 1), book cover (fair copyright use) Alexander,Anholt,Browne,Burningham,Butterworth,Casey,Cousins,Foreman, Hawkins,Henderson...
    Walker Books Ltd, 1995, 61p
    Book details at OpenLibrary
    This is a collection of twenty-five stories for the very young by a number of well-known authors. Songs and sounds and rhymes and stories, clothes and colours, numbers and animals, this book is full of the things which should appeal to young children.
    Recommended for grades ENL Mat / Mat-CP(EFL) and above | | Date: 2011-12-07

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