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    Main » Recommended Books Catalog » Levels » 5e

    Peter Pan and Other Plays
    2011-11-10, 2:57 AM
    Contains: The Admirable Crichton; Peter Pan; When Wendy Grew Up; What Every Woman Knows; Mary Rose
    For some 20 years at the beginning of the century J M Barrie enjoyed enormous commercial success with a wide variety of plays, but he is best known for Peter Pan. It retains its popularity today, both in the original and in adaptations. As well as being the author of the greatest of all children's plays Barrie also wrote sophisticated social comedy and political satire, much of it now newly topical. The Admirable Crichton and What Every Woman Knows are shrewd and entertaining contributions to the politics of class and gender, while Mary Rose is one of the best ghost stories written for the stage. Under the General Editorship of Michael Cordner, of the University of York, the texts of the plays have been newly edited and are supplemented with a scholarly introduction and detailed annotation. Peter Hollindale is Senior Lecturer in English and Educational Studies at the University of York. He edited Peter Pan is Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy in World's Classics. This is the novel rather than the play of Peter Pan
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